Dr Sally Norton

"Willpower is over-rated as a weight-loss tool. It fails when you're tired, stressed and hungry. Instead, the secret of long-term, healthy weight control is working with your body's natural mechanisms.

As a UK-based medical doctor and weight-loss consultant for over 20 years, I have listened to thousands of people who have struggled with their weight. I know that diets don't work for most people and that we are frequently confused by conflicting advice in the media and from supposed 'weight-loss experts'.

And then the peri-menopause adds extra challenges due to the roller-coaster of hormonal changes. I am passionate about helping women change their lifestyle in science-backed ways that will help them lose weight and improve health...without being trapped in the cycle of yo-yo dieting and the despair that goes with it."


weight loss shouldn't have to be that hard!

I have developed a science-based weight loss programme, which can work alongside medication, for those that are eligible, to help you make long-term weight control easier again.

I also provide free advice via blogs and social media, as well as in national and international press. ​

Dr Sally Norton advises patients and prescribes treatment based solely on her extensive clinical experience and her independent assessment of the research literature. She does not accept financial support from pharmaceutical or other medical treatment manufacturers.