Review appointment - The Weightloss Doctor

Follow-up appointment

Want some extra help with your weight loss efforts or your coaching programme? Experiencing some problems with medication or your health? Hit a plateau and need help moving forwards again? Book in with me, Dr Sally Norton and I can advise accordingly.
Regular price£199.00



It was great to learn all the things that I thought I was doing right, but were actually making weight-loss harder. I now know where I am going worng. Thanks!

Jackie J

I thought I knew all there was to know about healthy eating. How did I get it so wrong?! At least I can enjoy eating again without all that horrible diet food!


You made it sound so simple - I just need to trust my body to do what it was designed to do! Why did I think I could force it into doing something different? It's so nice not fighting with my weight anymore.

Paula J-M

I was so tired of feeling like a failure. You have given me my self-esteem back as I now know that my diet failures weren't my fault. Thank you so much!

Gayle P

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